Ne 15 Qershor, ne ambientet e Stela Resort Tirane, mikpritem me nje feste madheshtore, ardhjen e nje prej bashkepuntoreve kryesore te MEDYX, qe prej disa vitesh prezantohet si nje nga me prestigjiozet ne treg, kompania HUMANIS ! Duke ju...
What can PRP treat?
- Bursitis
- Osteoarthritis
- Muscle tears and injuries
- Tendon tears
- Tendonitis
- And many more
Platelet Rich Plasma
PRP therapy is a promising new treatment modality for knee pain, and has provided very beneficial results in different patients.

Innovative technology
Knapp conveying system combining flexibility, safety, efficiency and scalability.
Adopting to Change
While there are stories of some who are moved to take action, in some cases adoption, many of us feel frustrated, wondering what we can do and if what we can do will be enough to make a difference. A really great way to help children out is to donate goods to orphanage. Thanks to Trudi Baby Care we donated products that are particularly suited to the daily hygiene and care of the youngest, from the special bath-time, to the most frequent of nappy-changing.
Nje falenderim i vecante per te gjithe mjeket stomatolog qe i dhuruan me shume magji, stafit te Cfo Pharma dhe Albadent Group qe ben te pamunduren qe ky event te merrte ngjyrat e tij me te bukura.
Me eksperiencen 25 vjecare te CFO Pharma ne tregun farmaceutik , jemi tashme prezent edhe ne sektorin e estetikes se avancuar , per te sjell ne tregun shqiptar risite me te fundit , kompanite me prestigjoze , produkte inovative...